Things Above Thought
TAT #57
Suffering #1

Fact #30 Trials can come into my life that are for God’s purposes (Job 1:7).

Why do I have to suffer?
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
Why does the Bible sometimes make suffering sound like a good thing?

Suffering is greatly misunderstood. Some say: “If there is a God why does He allow suffering?” I think what many are actually saying is: “If there is a God and He is in control why is He allowing me to suffer?” Some preachers say God wants you to be continually happy and prosperous but  Job, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, James, and Paul disagree. While there is a peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) and a joy that is from the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22) there is also a call to suffering:

“For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake,” (Philippians 1:29)

There are times that God wants us to suffer!

Enjoy struggling with that thought and wait for the next TAT ☺.