Back to Basics

Back to Basics
When you win the Super Bowl what do you do when you get back to training camp? You’ve just gone as far as you can go what can you learn in training camp? When you’ve just won the world championship in your sport what do you do next year? Sometimes it’s good to get back to the basics; go back to the starting point and revisit the fundamentals and see if you are still on track or if there is anything you can improve on. This will make you a winner again.

Christianity has been around now for close to 2,000 years, we’ve come a long way and compiled a lot of biblical information so much so many of us are drowning in biblical information. So where do we go from here? Back to the basics.

I wrote “from a DARKNESS to the LIGHT” to get Christians back to the basics. It helps to clear the fog on all this compiled biblical information and simplify our faith and our life. Christ came to bring us His light and His light always clarifies. If you want to know the simple message of Christianity then “from a DARKNESS to the LIGHT” is an excellent place to start. (Find the book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, just type in “scverlin barton”)